Designed by Koen, my 4 yr old son for daddy.

Designed by Koen, my 4 yr old son for daddy.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rate of Reaction

Rate of reactions
Rate of reaction can be calculated and compare by measuring a loss of mass or amount of gas collected.

Factors affected rate of reaction
• Particle size
• Temperature
• Pressure (only for all gas system)
• Catalyst
• Concentration
Use this standard statement to answer your question.
Increase in temperature leads to an increase in the energy of the particles which leads to an increase in number of collisions. This leads to an increase in number of effective collisions which leads to an increase in rate of reaction. The Itallic and bold words can be change to accommodate the factors.

e.g. Increase in particle sizes leads to an increase in the surface area of the reagent which leads to an increase in number of collisions. This leads to an increase in rate of reaction which leads to an increase in rate of reaction. GOT IT? When plotting graphs, the number of moles of products determine the end point of the reaction!

Entry by
Json Lim

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